On safari pack your sense of humour How to ensure you safari is fun - pack your sense of humour

You’ve packed your binoculars? Now, listen up, safari-goers! Dont forget, on safari to pack your sense of humour. If you’re not having a good time, what’s the point? At Hidden Africa, we know that the most important thing is to have a blast! Whether you’re tracking lions or swapping stories around the campfire, safaris should be full of laughter and adventure.

Now, I’m not saying that you should throw caution to the wind and run into the arms of a hippo. (Actually, scratch that – DO NOT DO THAT.) But I am saying that you should pack your sense of humour along with your binoculars. Take a leaf out of Peter Allison’s book, “Whatever You Do, Don’t Run,” which is chock-full of hilarious stories and practical tips for your wildlife experience. 

One of our favourite stories involves a group of tourists who decided to ignore their guide’s advice and got a little too close to a hippo. Big mistake! The woman who got charged by the angry hippo was running for her life and yelling, “What do I do? What do I do?” The guide’s response? “Whatever you do, don’t run!”. Classic.

Of course, there are some serious safety protocols you should follow, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. Be open-minded and flexible, and don’t forget to respect the wildlife and their environment. And if you get stuck in the mud or encounter some grumpy elephants, just laugh it off – it’s all part of the experience.

One of Allison’s key tips for improving your safari experience is to be open-minded and flexible. This means being willing to adapt your plans based on changing conditions and keeping an eye out for unexpected opportunities.

Another important lesson is to respect the wildlife and their environment. This includes keeping a safe distance from animals and being mindful of the impact of your presence.

Of course, a safari is also a great opportunity for adventure and excitement. 

Allison encourages readers to take advantage of all the unique experiences that a safari has to offer, whether it’s sleeping under the stars, trying local cuisine, or getting up close and personal with some of Africa’s most impressive creatures.

But perhaps the most important takeaway is the importance of having fun. A safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it’s important to savour every moment, even the unexpected ones. 

So, without further ado, here are some tips and insights inspired by Peter Allison’s books on how to improve your own safari adventure:

Bring a good sense of humour

Bring a good sense of humour: Safaris can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to be able to roll with the punches and find the humour in unexpected situations. Whether it’s getting stuck in the mud or encountering a herd of angry elephants, having a sense of humour can help you stay calm and enjoy the experience.


Whatever you do, don’t run

Don’t forget the basics: It may sound obvious, but it’s important to remember the basics of safari safety, such as never getting out of your vehicle and keeping a safe distance from wildlife. As Allison reminds us, “Whatever you do, don’t run” – it’s a surefire way to attract unwanted attention from predators.


Keep an open mind

Safaris are full of surprises; sometimes, the most unexpected experiences can be the most memorable. Whether it’s witnessing rare animal behaviour or meeting a local guide with a unique perspective, keeping an open mind can lead to some incredible moments. That’s the long and the short of it. 

Take time to appreciate the little things

While the big game may steal the spotlight, there’s plenty of smaller wildlife and natural wonders to appreciate on a safari. From the vibrant birdlife to the intricate details of plant life, taking time to appreciate the little things can add depth and richness to your safari experience.

Embrace the adventure

Safaris offer a unique opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the experience. Trying new things can lead to unforgettable memories, whether sleeping under the stars or embarking on a night drive.

So, my fellow safari adventurers, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for the ride of your life. And don’t forget to bring your sense of humour – it might just be the most important thing you pack!”


Chad Le Helloco

Head of Sales

In addition to heading up our sales team, Chad’s the artistic genie who makes our aesthetic dreams come true; the go-to guy on all things design-related. Surprisingly, for such a high functioning creative, he’s a real ‘people person’. Then again, nothing about him is average – except maybe his Padel ranking.

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