Chisa Busanga Camp

This camp is known for its nested accommodation, but there is much more to it. Indeed this is the product of a love story. It is the tale of a team who fell in love with Zambia’s Busanga Plains and who poured themselves into it. The result is a fantasy escape in the middle of nowhere. It’s one of Africa’s best kept secrets and a place where the wetland ecosystem overflows with a diversity of life.

We all know about the five different love languages and it is easy to see how this relationship between the camp management and the camp itself play out. This is about acts of service (the camp is completely solar powered with even the game viewing vehicles running on solar), gifts (there is a tangible kindness and desire to improve the area), quality time (they are invested for the long-run) and physical touch (the accommodation is designed in such a way that you are part of nature, touching it and immersed it). It’s text-book stuff that Dr Gary Chapman would be very proud of. If you want to experience a loving and nurturing relationship first-hand, and you don’t want to go back to living with your mom and dad (as if), then this is the place to visit.

The Chisa Busanga Camp, and indeed the entire Busanga Plain are spectacular. And your expert guides don’t just speak your language, they speak the language of the bush. If you want they will teach it to you as well.

The Chisa Busanga Camp Nests

An incredible meeting place of isolation, conservation and inspiration, this camp is inspired by the nests of the local weaver birds. Those with an ornithological bent will know that Weavers are famous for their tidy and intricately woven nests. They will also know that the female of the species has a nasty tendency to rip nest to shreds if they are in any way deemed unsatisfactory. In short, only once it is perfect is it allowed to stand. It’s unclear quite how long it took to get this camp right, but rest assured, it’s spot on.

Located on an island the Lufupa River the camp is entirely powered by the sun – and not just the camp, even the safari vehicles are solar powered, which makes it a phenomenally ecologically sound destination.

The real talking point though is the accommodation. You are literally hosted in a woven nest high up in the tree tops. The wow-factor is as high as your giant bed. The nests are designed to make you feel part of nature without at any point making you feel uncomfortable or endangered. It’s the sort of place where a mom and dad bird would happily leave their baby bird while they went out foraging for food. It boasts the sort of views that would inspire a baby bird to spread its wings and fly – as comfortable as the accommodation is this camp is built to hear the call of the wild.

This is a place for adventurers who like something a little different with their luxury. Actually no. This is a place for adventurers who like a lot different with their luxury. It’s an experience you will talk about for years to come.

Stuff we love

Blending into your environment

  • Watching elephants almost entirely unnoticed, as you silently blend into nature in one of the camp’s solar-powered Land Cruisers.
  • Enjoying a “bush breakfast” cooked for you over hot coals on your morning game drive.
  • Viewing the changing night sky directly from your personal bird’s nest, high up in the tree-tops.

Chisa Busanga in pictures

Lodge activities

Game drive icon
Game Drive
Birdwatching Icon
Bush Walk icon
Bush Walk
Bikini Icon
Camp pool

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